Resize image online

In this part, we finally move from general reasoning to practice. We have dismantled all the tools. We have processed our photo and shrunk it correctly. All that remains is to sharpen it.

Resize image online

Although there are nuances of sharpening when shrinking a photo, in general, this procedure is easier than working with the original. It is easier because when you shrink a photo 3-4 times or more, the difference in optics is largely leveled out. The degree of blurring in the resize becomes considerably less and practically equal for different cameras and lenses. The width of the real border of blur does not exceed one pixel.

There is one, ridiculously simple answer to the question, "So, what is the best way to sharpen resize? Unsharp Mask with an impact force of 500% and a radius of 0.2. Yes, that's right. I foresee a surprised exclamation: "Quiet, is that all?!?!!" (c) (a phrase from the cartoon "Jack in Wonderland"), "And for this we read so many gabukofs? Well, I lied a little bit, of course, but in general, the answer is exactly that. In 90% of cases this method will produce a very decent quality picture. However, it is not that easy if you want to get a really good result.

Let's remember what we have in our arsenal for sharpening. And we have four tools. They are Unsharp Mask (Contour Sharpness), Smart Sharpen (Smart Sharpen) with old and new modes, and Camera Raw filter.

The Unsharp Mask is already sorted out. You can check it yourself. Take a photo, and resize it to, say, 900х600, and apply the above parameters. How will other filters behave during resizing? You can play around with it yourself or just take your word for it. Smart Sharpen both in old version (More Accurate mode should be on) and new version (parameter "Noise reduction" is shifted to zero) will give the best result in Lens Blur mode with the effect power of 500% and the radius of 0.1. Moreover, if you try to compare the results of all these filters, you will not be able to see any difference even on a larger image. They are there, but to see them, you need to use special methods.

It remains to check the work of the Camera Raw filter. The best result on the resize is obtained with a maximum impact force of 150, the minimum radius of 0.5 and zero values of detail and masking. It is a pity that the program does not allow to set the radius even less. And now let's compare the results of the Camera Raw filter with the results of the other filters. Since they are almost indistinguishable from each other, you can compare not with all of them, but with only one, any of them.


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