Adjust colors of photos

Before you begin your introduction to color correction, it is worth clarifying that this topic is very broad. To do color correction on a proper level, it is better to take special courses, where you will be taught the basics of color harmony, how to combine colors correctly and how to use the existing methods and techniques of color correction. And it is desirable to get a certificate. In the age of digital technology, photo processing is very profitable. And the most profitable investment at all times was and still is education.

Adjust colors of photos

We are going to consider a basic universal method of color correction.

Before you do color correction in Photoshop, you need to understand what it is and what purpose it is used for.

Color correction is a change in color, tone and saturation of the image, it is used either to improve the picture, or as a creative technique. To the first case, we can relate the need to get more realistic colors or make the photo lighter. After all, at certain settings phototechnics colors can be transmitted distorted, not as we see them in real life. This also includes photo correction for raising the saturation of colors, for the sake of a more attractive photo. In the second case, you can do color correction by your own imagination. It could be a vintage color correction, fantastic colors of landscapes and the like.

Color correction in Photoshop is performed on adjustment layers. If color correction is applied to an image layer, the image changes will be irreversible. Adjustment layers work like filters. All the effects of an adjustment layer will be visible in the image below that layer. The adjustment layer will also allow you to make changes to the final result if it turns out to be necessary. We discussed the topic of layers in the previous article.

Automatic Color Correction

The easiest and fastest way for beginners is automatic color correction. Open the image in Photoshop, create a duplicate image layer (Ctrl+G). Move to the duplicate layer and press Shift+Ctrl+B. This Photoshop command automatically adjusts the contrast and color of the image by self-defining shadows, midtones, and highlights.


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