Pixelating photos online
Pixel pattern or mosaic is a rather interesting technique that you can apply when processing and styling images. This effect is achieved by applying the "Mosaic" filter and represents splitting the image into squares (pixels).
To achieve the most acceptable result is desirable to choose a bright, contrasting images, which have as little as possible small details. Take, for example, a picture of a car:
You can limit yourself to simply applying the filter mentioned above, but we'll make it harder for ourselves and create a smooth transition between different degrees of pixelation.
2. On the topmost copy in the Layers palette, we go to the "Filter" menu, section "Appearance". This section contains the "Mosaic" filter we need.
3. In the filter settings, we set a rather large cell size. In this case - 15. This will be the top layer, with a high degree of pixelation. When the settings are finished, click the OK button.
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